CSR Annual Report
The ideas of 1 person translated into 3 companies with collectively more than 15 years of history. More than 2,000 products as a result of hard work, 25 suppliers contributing. 6 pillars and numerous smaller social initiatives that deserve our attention. Because we care. But we want more, we want further, smarter and better.
“31 CSR Performance Ladder themes, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets are the next step“ |
What are we all working towards? What exactly does this CSR policy look like? What results have been achieved, and what can be improved? You can read all this in the annual CSR report of the Global Products Group, which you can download below. As the name suggests, a new edition of this report is published every year. This way, we remain ambitious and continuously in motion: the principle of continuous improvement. That’s important because we aim to grow to level 4 of the CSR Performance Ladder within three years. In this edition of the CSR Annual Report you cand find the accomplished results in 2023 and our objectives for 2024. Alongside the report you will also find our CSR Performance Ladder certificate, in line with the requirements of performance level 3.