Objectives 2023
We remain ambitious. Therefore, we set new targets for each calendar year, linked to Global Products Group’s vision and the expectations of our network. As a result, we are making meaningful progress and taking further steps within our CSR policy.
We cannot and do not want to achieve our CSR objectives alone. Engaging in dialogue at least twice a year with our significant stakeholders, consisting of customers, suppliers, industry associations and, of course, our employees, keeps us well informed of the current status per objective. Supplemented by any advice or expertise on how we can take further follow-up steps for optimal results. Thus, as a business chain, we all actively work together and create a sustainable policy with lasting working relationships.
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3. Good health and well-being• Health and safety for employees • Health and safety of consumers
The people of the Global Products Group are the driving force behind the company, and it is therefore also important that our employees can carry out their work in a healthy and safe working environment. To identify improvement opportunities, a so-called zero point should first be determined. A starting point that outlines the current situation. To get a clear overview of this, we are conducting a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) through an external safety consultant this year. In addition to the RI&E, an Action Plan follows. This indicates for each open risk what measures should be taken, linked to a representative within the company. |
8. Decent work and economic growth• Realisation of social facilities • Appointing a confidential advisor • Reduce child labour at suppliers in high-risk countries • Reduce forced labour at suppliers in high-risk countries • 70% of suppliers are localised within Europe |
As mentioned, we as Global Products Group believe that people make the organisation. Therefore, we believe it is important that our employees are both physically and mentally healthy and can work in a safe environment. This is how we motivate a healthy lifestyle through additional social amenities: offering a lease plan for a bicycle and making fruit available during working hours are concrete initiatives we will realise for our employees in 2023. |
12. Responsible consumption and production• Waste reduction • Reduction of residual memorial products • Alternative packaging for outbound deliveries • Statements of intent by significant stakeholders and the evidence thereof • Ensuring advertising code of practice in advertising statements • Draw up plan of action Life cycle analysis • Apply Life Cycle Analysis to 3 suppliers • Energy savings of 2% among employees |
From the Global Products Group, we continuously work on responsible handling in both the use and production of goods and resources. Here, we focus on reducing waste through prevention, reduction and recycling. By 2023, Global Products Group plans to further intensify the separation of its waste. Thus, waste in the form of coffee cups, paper, cardboard, plastic packaging and drinking cartons will be separated from residual waste. Within the logistics department, packaging waste is further separated into different grades of plastic, all of which are processed by Van Happen waste processor. |
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13. Climate Action• CO₂ reduction for inbound deliveries
Global Products Group is aware of the impact of climate change. As such, in recent years we have tried to integrate measures within our strategies and planning each time. Examples include clustering orders, reusing packaging materials and manufacturing from virgin raw materials. |
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16. Peace, justice and strong institutions• Respecting the rights of the local population • Countering corruption • Communication CSR policy
As indicated, the Global Products Group is committed to a fair and safe working environment. Both within our own company and with affiliated suppliers. Through the Global Products Group’s Environmental Code, we protect the local population regarding our suppliers’ production sites. In this, we focus first on the most critical high-risk countries from the CSR Risk Checker9. This distinguishes us from those suppliers who have classified ‘Environment & Surroundings’ as a country risk. |